Why Did You Decide To Take Up Writing?

Why did you decide to take up writing? 

Yeah.  That’s the question I would ask you, if we were able to sit down together in a restaurant, or the library, for a chat.  What in the world moved you to take up pen (or keyboard) and attempt to write?

For me, the answer is a bit of a moving target.  I have any number of reasons for choosing this vocation (and avocation). 

Image: oneonline.wordpress.com

I wonder if my primary reason isn’t also yours? 

First and foremost, I am a reader.  I can’t seem to get enough escape into other realms through stories.  In books I’m able to see and do things that my frail body could not withstand.  I’ve been to every planet and satellite in the Sol system—some a number of times, and in every case I discovered something amazing about the Universe, and more importantly, myself.

Read a thousand books and you may become inured to the ideas of others—or, perhaps, happily, you may find yourself thinking, “I could do that.”  “I have something to say.” 

Read enough poorly conceived and written  books—and they abound—and perhaps you find yourself saying, “I could do better than that,” and move on to prove it.

Perhaps you feel that you could add to the wealth of knowledge in books by the nature of your views.  Perhaps you believe that your insight, skill, your ideas, are superior to what you’ve read. 

Could it be that you reject the idea that there is “…nothing new under the sun…” and are pressed to prove it?  Or, do you perhaps believe that while writers have covered all the most important ideas, you have a better way of expressing it?  A better understanding?

Hmmm.  It is beginning to sound like the reason we write—or to be fair—”I” write, is because we have a certain respect for ourselves, our ideas, our creative understanding of the world around us.

Yeah, I’m guessing that’s it.  Whether we tell our tales in real-life situations, or push back the envelope to reach into the depths of the unknown Universe, we are still telling the story of humans, of human feelings, of human thoughts, of frailties, of courage, of a willingness to expand how we think and act.

Writing is more than the telling of stories.  It is an act of faith and courage.  Writing is a promise to our readers… a promise we must keep.

Your thoughts?

12 responses to “Why Did You Decide To Take Up Writing?

  1. Hmmm. It is beginning to sound like the reason we write—or to be fair—”I” write, is because we have a certain respect for ourselves, our ideas, our creative understanding of the world around us.
    Another humming classical melody!
    I guess this sums it up for me, as far as my personal reasons for writing are concerned. I still remember that director telling me that a writer has to have something to say. For most of my life I have never believed that I do, and consequently have never until recently taken writing seriously. When I began again, it was for therapy, so it is a constant exercise to develop further detachment from too subjective an immersion in what I write. And yet, writing must be from the mind and heart. So, yes. I do believe that we can grow in self-respect, and in respect for our readers, through constant practice and revision.
    Good post, RikScott.

  2. Richard,

    I half jokingly tell myself that I was forced to become a writer..

    My circumstances were just such that I wasn’t able to do much else. I found that I enjoyed it and since it was free I indulged myself and the rest of the world liberally in my new “hobby”. That was about four years ago, not all that much has changed since…

    I’m reminded of the quote by Oscar Wilde, he said that the difference between a good writer and a great writer is that a good writer lives an interesting life but can’t write about it, whereas a great writer often lives a rather dull life but writes about an interesting one!

    Thanks for asking!

  3. I breathe to stay alive . . . I write to feel alive. : )

  4. Ricky,

    This is so perfectly written and I know I can’t do better than that. Thank you for writing, posting and being an inspiration.

  5. Oh! I forgot!
    Why do I write?
    I suffered asthma until the day I got a book and a pen in my hands.
    I agree with Nancy.
    Reading and writing are more necessary than air.

  6. Hmmm, how about this for an answer….

    ****We are all co-creators of the future****

    Adhering to this premise, anything that is ever written, thought, said, felt, or done is a co-creation of the future. Why not, then, write intentionally such that one is adding to the possibilities of what is to happen in the future? Every thought ever created is part of a grander collection of thoughts. The more times a thought is believed and energy it garners (by way of more and more people believing it), the more likely it is that this thought is going to occur. This is the perfect reason for writing, intentionally, that is.

    The world is aching for more positive and intentional thoughts to be added to the collection. Writing is a way to do that by contributing a number of intentional and very different possibilities for the world. 🙂


    With Love and Gratitude,

    The Intentional Sage

    • Well said, and welcome to the conversation!

      • Thank you for being here, Intentional Sage. You will be an inspiration for me I am sure when I get my blog finally up on Poetic Interaction, or Poetic Praxis. Thank you. Keep with the UPHILL CLIMB please. Thank you. Trusting you can learn by pointing out the negative and how one ‘overcomes’.

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